Gastvortrag: Reconfigurable Computing for All - Efficient use of FPGAs for Non-Hardware Experts

Posted on 12.01.2016

The main constraint limiting today’s computational power is energy consumption. The most powerful supercomputers consume tens of Megawatts of elecgtricity and the cooling and power transformation systems are responsible for half of the energy bill. As the current approach to build high performance computers reaches its limits, there is an increasing urge for new solutions that can keep on sustaining the projected growth in computational power. Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) can achieve significantly higher energy efficiency than traditional processor-based solutions. However, their inaccessible programming model, which is inherited from circuit design and far from software-like productivity, is probably the main reason for many users to stay away from FPGAs. In this talk, we will present an automated methodology to generate FPGA biststreams from high-level programs written in Domain-Specific Languages.

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