#oeh21: Election time! (May 18-20, 2021)

Posted on 14.05.2021

Info-Pic: ÖH-Wahl, 18.-20. Mai

Two years have come and gone again, and as every other year it’s time again for ÖH elections. Hence, we ask for your support so we can continue do advocate on your behalf at TU Wien.

In order to allow for safe elections, and enable in-place voting for as many students as possible, some Corona-specific rules will be in place: FFP2 masks are mandatory (also in polling stations & booths), distancing rules apply, and a guidance system for entrances and exits for the polling stations has been set up. Additionally, at the entrances to TU buildings and polling stations, hand sanitation stations will be available, and everyone is asked to bring their own pen (not pencil!). In case you forget that last one, disinfected pens will be provided.

Please spread the information, and go cast your vote May 18-20, 2021!

Where? Prechtlsaal, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien


  • Tue, 18.5.2021: 10 to 19 hrs
  • Wed, 19.5.2021: 09 to 19 hrs
  • Thu, 20.5.2021: 08 to 14 hrs

General Information

During ÖH elections, all students elect their representatives on the three levels of ÖH (Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft). The levels have different spheres and scopes of action: Bundesvertretung (BV, the federal level), Universitäts-/Hochschulvertretung (UV/HV, the local university level) and Studienvertretung (STV, roughly the faculty level).

Each level sports different forms of organisation, and may nominate members to their respective boards, committees and panels. Usually, there is little overlap.

For Studienvertretung Informatik at TU Wien, there are 5 seats to be filled. On this level, individual persons run for office, so you will find a list of names on your ballot. As there are 5 seats, you may vote for up to 5 people.

Hochschulvertretung (HV) and Bundesvertretung (BV), on the other hand, are votes by list. You will receive a ballot for each level, and can cast a vote for one party on each.

Caveat: Name similarities in between Studienvertretung and groups running for UV/HV or BV do not imply affiliation. Just like not every Austrian is part of the Austrian People’s Party, not every Fachschaft is part of Fachschaftsliste - FSInf, for example, is not. Or, in other words: “FSINF - Fachschaft Is Not Fachschaftsliste”, or if you’re a fan of recursive acronyms: ” FSINF - FSINF Is Not Fachschaftsliste” ;-).

Fachschaft Informatik candidates for Studienvertretung Informatik are:

  • Jana Chadt
  • Samuel Pilz
  • Jan Vales
  • Iris Chadt
  • Anton Oellerer

Further candidates:

  • Anna Radman
  • Nikolaus Walther